Compiled by Jack Still and Nancy Avolese
Swatara Park was a small community park just north of Middletown borough. It sat right along the Swatara Creek where there is currently a bridge crossing for Vine Street / Middletown Road, in Lower Swatara Township.
Roy Donovan “Don” Farr was born in Petoskey, Michigan
on October 17, 1906, to Ray Allen Farr and
Katherine "Kate" Mary Hoover.
He married Orpha Violetta Allen (1906-1975), moved to Pennsylvania and had three boys, Coy Donovan (1927-2017) Ray Allen Donovan (1930-1992), and Nicolas L. (1931-2018)
Don bought land and created Swatara Park in 1938, as a place for people to swim and he offered refreshments for sale.
In 1953, Swatara Park began evolving into an amusement park as the Farrs added Kiddie Boats and Kiddie Swings. Tickets were 5 - 10 cents each. Their slogan was "The Family Fun Spot".
In 1955, a Chris Crafts Speed Boat ride and a merry-go-round carousel were added, as well as two picnic pavilions. In 1956, a Miniature Train Company miniature train was installed; a kiddie roller coaster called Little Dipper (most likely an Allen Herschell kiddie coaster) was installed in 1957. Other rides added included a Tilt-A-Whirl and scooter cars.
The park continued adding rides into mid-1960s. This included a Swingin’ Gym ride (flying cages), Kiddie Flyer Hand Cars, Jolly Trolley, and Orbiter.
A paddle wheel boat ride was built on the premises andinstalled in 1963 and named for Robert E. Lee to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War.
Advertisements for Swatara Park stopped appearing in Harrisburg-Lebanon area newspapers after the 1968 season and the park closed in 1969. By 1971, the amusement park rides had been removed and replaced by trailer homes.
Don Farr passed away on June 23, 1975. His wife, Orpha, passed the same year.
In 2013, the building where the original dance hall and skating rink was located on Swatara Road, (which was later turned into the Farr Apartments) was leveled after Tropical Storm Lee raged through Middletown.
The land where the park goers enjoyed fun afternoons of swimming, rides, and 5 cent hotdogs is now housing.


On July 20, 2023, Eric (Ric) Farr gave a fabulous presentation on Swatara Park.

Part 1 of Ric's presentation can be found on youtube.com
This is part 2 of Ric's presentation.