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The Mumma Cemetery (ID# 2205206) is located off Fulling Mill Road between Longview and Nissley Drive in Lower Swatara Township. The coordinates are 40.23070 - 76.77380. There were twenty-two (22) headstones in the Mumma Cemetery, which was originally part of the Mumma Farm. It is possible that these graves were moved in 1897 as John and Elizabeth Mumma were moved to the Shope's Mennonite Church cemetery in that year. Below is a list of those originally buried in the Mumma Cemetery.
H A Garverick
Harold Ebert King
Joseph Lingle
Elizabeth Fry Mumaw
Christian S. Mumma
Elizabeth Mumma
John Frantz Mumma
Samuel Mumma
Birth and death dates unknown.
Mary Updegrove
William M. Wilt
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