By Carol Siegfried and Nancy Avolese
Shady Lane Cemetery is located in Lower Swatara Township. It is off of Route 441, just east of Stoner Drive. The cemetery is on a private lane with four families residing on it. Originally the lane was used as access to the surrounding fields.
The small cemetery is on the east side of the lane, approximately 100 yards from Route 441. There are three existing headstones in the cemetery. These stones mark the graves of Daniel Smith, Mary Smith and Dianna Conrad.
Mary and Daniel, a married couple died several days apart in the 1800's. They are buried side by side with the following epitaph on their stones.
While in this yard, my grave you see.
Oh children dear, weep not for me.
The Lord has called and thought it best
To take us home with him to rest
Diana Conrad, a child, is the daughter of Johannes and Maria Conrad. She was born in 1837 and the date of her death is not readable.
The middle headstone above says "Here lies Dianna Conrad, daughter from Johannes and Maria Conrad...the 29 August 1837. She was three years and sixteen days old.
The cemetery has been abandoned for many years. According to a former resident, there were originally four graves.